Passenger Handle


This is a very easy project. All that needs to be done is bolt on a J Handle from an old weed eater.

The idea came after riding in the mountains with a passenger. The top of the standard military style seat is above the rail and they felt like there was not enough support to keep them in the seat.

This simple addition provides lateral support at the hips ( keeps you from sliding off the seat over the rail ) as well as another hand hold for the passenger.




  1. First make sure the J Handle is not the long one. The one I used measures 9" from the top of the arc to the bottom of the arm. I also have one that measures 15" and it was too long. If you have the long armed one, use the hacksaw to cut it off to the length you want. ( See Figure A )
  2. Assemble the clamp around the rail. The screws will probably be too long to use the cap nuts. Cut the 4 screws so the cap nuts will tighten the clamp to the rail. I cut mine to 2" from the base of the screw head for the clamp I was using.
  3. Decide where the J Handle needs to be placed. Loosen the clamp screws and have someone sit in the seat. Adjust the placement to provide side support. Tighten the screws.


Figure A: J-handle Diminsions. ( Click on image to enlarge. )


J-Handle in place. ( Click on image to enlarge. )